Some Thoughts On American Christian Values


"america seems to be a big ranch for breeding soldiers that fight and die for israel and no matter how you slice it, thats fucking gay. Hart-Celler Act is also doing america no favors. Dont get me wrong a white christian nation is the best candidate for world police type stuff. Just imagine how fucked everything will be once you guys are gone." - Anonymous

in regards to fighting for Jewish interests, I almost went down that path c.2003 in the Gulf War but my autism prevented me from enlisting. Its amazing how much southerners love jews, but it isn't reciprocal, there has to be underlying psychology that maps out this phenomenon. It is probably deep seated phenomenon descended from Antebellum whites who carried much of the English gentry, who feel a kinship with Jews, not only from people like Cromwell, who brought a lot of them into England, but leaders like Benjamin Disraeli, who was the Jewish Prime Minister of England during the 1800s to the fact the British Empire formented the beginings of Israel in the middle east to even places like Belfast, where the Israeli-allied Prots of the Ulster Scots against the traditionally Palestine-allied Irish. After all there are far too many coincidences to separate the two mindsets even if Israel acts like a spoiled stepchild to a doting father in return. even Calvinism is heavily Judaized Christianity, taking it back to the ancient Church. more on that in the next paragraph

Over in America, I think we get sold the lie that democracy is the default government for not only us but other nations and this can be traced back to one of their own, Woodrow Wilson who was not only a Southern Calvinist (the Judaizers of Christianity, to a point where democracy dies in Israel) but a liberal foreign policy type who tricked hundreds of his own people to die for a war that wasn't warranted. Keep in mind this was when women got the right to vote, and women are known to vote in interests un-amicable to their nations' men, look at how many Hillary shills were women and how few were men. This honestly not only verifies that women are incapable of introspection but also aren't able to predict the outcomes of their choices. Which is why there unsuitable to vote. Also a lot of foreigners misfire their hatred towards ZOG (Because its illegal in most of their countries) so they pick an easier target. Just my two cents. 

And in justifying Christian values, and America at large, since so many people want to point out that Randian capitalism (or really where the market mechanism) is the driving force behind national infrastructure, is incompatible with Christian anti-abortion values:

the whole point for being pro-life is to keep industry going, if you abort kids and less people are born in sovereign nation, the economy will suffer dramatically. One might say, ok, you should let the workers unionize (this is a hypothetical, as I'm generally pro-union/pro-cooperative economy) what if, the workers want to work less hours? What comes next? free healthcare. Ok what next? Days off, then people taking weeks off and then neglecting their jobs entirely. What happens after that? Well, factories shut down, the economy slows down, the shareholders can't make their returns, and the whole infrastructure collapses. While I'm all for unions and coopertatives, they must exist optimally in a market economy, even the USSR had markets. China has markets. Things like left communism and council communism, would only work in a utopian environment, where everyone is satisfied with their lot in life and thing are/were fair. But life isn't fair, so you better get used to it.

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