On The Mind-Body Problem


    One might wonder why I never really talk much, or at all, about a "philosophy of mind" or "philosophy of self" Well those who might be wondering, after some long consideration, the long and the short of it. When Descartes posited the "mind-body problem" in his treatise, "Meditations On First Philosophy" he essentially saw that the body, as an independent organ of the mind, were wholly separate entities that functioned independently of one another. For one, the mind was an entity that was capable of doubting which affirmed the existence of the "I", the ego, cogito ergo sum, the problem of doubting one's own self affirmed the self coming into existence, the body. Now imagine that the body and mind are connected, but only in your existence, everything else observed is just bodies without minds, essentially an entire world of bodies on autopilot, that are observed through a veil of ignorance, that is, a posterori, you see only what your senses allow you to see, touch or hear, everything observed is bodies essentially operating as robots, with no conscience, one hearkens to the concept posited by social media as the "non-player character" phenomenon. These bodies can interact with you, but they have no soul or intellect and are only responding to your existence, which proceeds from an essence that gives all things animation, an ideal, or God himself, the ideal man, with woman being a subtraction of man, and everything else a derivative (animals, plants, objects) as Baruch Spinoza (I'm assuming) supposed. But there is no intellectual communication between you, as the mind-body monistic entity that you are and the amount of non-intellectual bodies that respond to your voice or your gestures, since your empirical perception is only what your senses allow you to experience. Lets also say your mind is a switchboard that regulates pain and pleasure and that everything that surrounds you is only there to affect these qualities yet, again, there is no actual soul or mind in these bodies that is animate. The ideal "incel" world would function as this as to give us complete free will control of our environments that the current "realism" of today's society will not, or shall not. The ability to manipulate your surroundings so that we, as a collective of mind-body dependent creatures from our distinct point of view can have absolute control over regulating our pain and pleasure receptors without having to deal with the "intellectual realism" of current everyday life where our supposed "superiors" try and control and convince us of their supposed "superiority" which increase our agony and pain. many people in the community are convinced that people are predetermined to increase this pain and we are "doomed to existence". I think adopting my aforementioned "thought system" will placate our egos as the judgers, not the judged of society, as stated in my book, however, these minds must come together as "thinking things" that outsmart the rest of the "unthinking bodies", to increase our sense of worth and decrease our sense of empathy towards the non-thinking bodies that comprise most of who is against us. a form of social panpsychism if you will, the larger the mass, the greater the impact, in the form of Emile Durkheim's " collective consciousness" No one has to be predetermined to fail, and sticking together as the hive-mind of supreme gentlemen, as more men grow disillusioned with reality and join us, we shall be unstoppable.

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