Cats as a Symbol Of America


    Cats are the ultimate symbol of America, despite us being identified with the Bald Eagle. why? for starters, they are very independent, ego-minded,  most of all rebellious, of all domesticated creatures. So it explains insoasmuch why people like Linkola have talked of snuffing them out. One can see the cat as a pest towards nature, as the foreigner sees the American, always barging in other's affairs, never caring for anyone but themselves. There is also the aspect of Malthusianism, otherwise known as the economic philosophy of English economist Thomas Malthus. this person, going from him to the National Socialists to people like Greta Thunberg, are exemplified by "less is more". That is, the less people there are on earth, bar creatures, the better life will be and the political economy will improve. How? Malthus prostelyzed that since resources are scarce, the source of economy (grain for eating, cows for eating/drinking, wood for fires and homes, iron for weapons) will double since less people are consuming already scarce goods. This line of thinking falls into the trap that people, by certain authorities' estimates, should be phased out of production (to use a Schumpeterian expression) by "creative destruction", the eternal process which some ideas or materials or services are phased out in favor of new ones, which lay off workers of certain firms and open employment of other firms. One not only needs to see this as dehumanizing if applied to mankind (or womynkind for you gay SJW freaks). They want to phase us out, to purify us, and one only needs to look towards the Anglophile trajectory of economic epistemology to figure this one out. For Linkola, who hated Anglos more than anyone can imagine, is essentially imitating what he hates, so why did I bring up Cats? Well Linkola despised Americans too, and this disposal of cats can be seen as a self-evident ritual of using your enemies' tactics against them. Too bad, Linkola was always a closet Anglo. the English hate themselves, and so does Linkola. so does our present authorities. Most of today's current predicament is rooted in envy,  and as Moses handed the Ten Commandments down to the people of Israel, its not only "not very nice" to covet what you do not have, its practically an offense against God, whether you believe in Abrahamism or Paganism, I would doubt the cheftain of a Druidic tribe would induce that you covet his queen, or his home, or his children. I would wager, if I was betting man, he would use force against you in all seriousness. Envy is a sickness.



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