Sermon Series (4 of 4) Feminism: The Highest Stage Of Imperialism



No one has attempted a theory of international relations that has looked at the impacts men, rather than women, in the state of affairs have negatively affected. Looking at various theories of foreign relations most favor the feminist outlook towards those who are negatively affected by war and diplomacy and have understated the impact of male rights in the given global atmosphere. We can see as so far that capitalism, as idealists have taken it, is often taken for granted as a positive force in bringing nations together in troubling times. These theories combined, are titled democratic peace theory and commercial peace theory, irrespectively but are often combined in the modern world for the best possible action towards a less combative and warlike attitude in the theory of international relations. In feminist theory, which thankfully is not given quarter in the field of international affairs looks at the ways that war negatively affects female populations and children and seeks to establish less conflict of state actors to ensure that women and children of populations are protected from things such as war rape, civilian murder, etc. While these are all pertinent concerns, the effects of combined democratic peace theory and commercial peace theory have spelled doom of for the denizens of many liberal countries, and even non democratic nations, many of which are lonely men. In the following five examples I will state why this matters in what Fukuyama, the silly idealist he is why this theories didn’t pan out for alienation of man from woman, to ensure global and national stability for all important hegemonic actors, to use a Gramscian turn-of-phrase to describe the dominate political landscape which seek to demean, demoralize and criminalize normal male behavior in the landscape of international relations. These are meant to be taken as examples, things we should NOT repeat again, to ensure that familial bonds are

established between man and woman, the ancient order of things in what a population seeks to maximize to ensure its population growth and prosperity and will give examples of a) social, b) economic and c) cultural reasons to maintain this sort of behavior to encourage a sense of “normalcy” in state actors and how they relate to the rest of the world. 

Article 1 

There is a startling number of children born in what is commonly termed as “Generation Z”. As it can be seen, the highest rise is in bisexual women, and following that, gay men. However it is often observed that women’s sexuality is more fluid than men’s, leading to a conclusion that while gayness is often passed from male to male through molestation, oftentimes women will choose gayness simply because, as a gender, they often dictate the norms of a given society, its one of the reasons why things like boy bands and pop music remain in the public consciousness because women gave it a voice, not only that but women defacto will jump on trends to capitalize on (notice the use of the world “capital”, which dictates what value they hold a hegemony over that of undesirable men). Proceeding from this, their propensity for disloyalty is a by a wide margin dictated by whom they find as a better caregiver, and often these are the results of poor decision making based on chasing “status” and “money”, the latter of which reinforces the current system of international policy making as termed by Fukuyama as the “End Of History”. With this in mind considering the widespread occurrence of hypergamy and fluid sexuality, most of its based on core “ideal emotions' ' rather than “rational fact”. When state actors determine an action, and oftentimes realists tend to forget this but as Stephen Walt mentioned in his fantastic book “The Origin Of Alliances'' that most international relations scholars tend to leave out “ideology” to maintain the hard physicalism of people like Thomas Hobbes. This no longer holds water as most reasons for state expansion, while most realists are familiar with “power gains'' by military action and hegemony, whether it be bandwagoning with the most powerful state or balancing out powers to create dual hegemons such as seen

during the height of the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union, ideology does indeed play a part in furthering power in a given hegemony. One can only bear much notice to see a missile decked out in slogans such as “Black Lives Matter” (at this point I don’t they matter much) or the transgender flag of blue, pink and white to spread liberalism across borders, one can see someone such as Fukuyama flinching that indeed liberalism can be a totalitarian force, but instead of a mere ‘power gain’ its an “ideological gain” for the side perpetrating the attack on foreign soil. This can also be seen as many gay, transgender and lesbian citizens overwhelmingly support not only President Biden as a form of “accelerationism” but also as a form of destabilization at the domestic front. We all know that gays reproduce by molestation, since they cannot physically bear the grunt of bringing life into this world, they would rather much bring death. As it goes they are more likely to vote for candidates in a state election that would not only destabilize an nation but also destabilize relations abroad. They are nihilists. Since feminism and LBGTQ often go hand in hand, this is the twin prong attack of global imperialism, and many women should not vote if anything is to go by on social media where they claim “its ok to bomb brown children as long as a woman or person of color occupies the position of power”. This kind of attitude goes as far back as the Clinton administration where William Clinton was excused for his mistakes but when George Bush Jr. went after Al-Qaeda it was treated with airy disdain by the same people who excused Waco and Serbia. This type of domestic policy, as liberal capitalism grows, will tend towards the same combative nature that fascism can only dream of, the turn of domestic policy into world policy seems to be the name of the game and there is no end in sight. While Fukuyama was partially right about liberalism becoming the dominant ideology, he never had the foresight to see how combative it was to other nations who occupy different spheres of power, nonetheless, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher’s capitalism is a very far cry from the new, mutative form that seeks to turn the world into America’s backyards, gays, lesbians, transgenders and all. The recent gallup poll showed there was a 25% jump in Americans identifying as “not straight” since 2017 and this is a worrying prospect for international relations, insofar as that many do not seek to bring populations back from replacement levels, but seek to undermine reproduction and birthrates while harming children in the process. This flies in the face of feminist IR theory, where women are seen as the prime targets of war, where the warhawk herself Hillary Rodham Clinton said “women are the prime victims of war” which is attuned to feminist IR theory while it shows the intersection between feminism and LBGTQ problematic which seeks to expand the power sphere of American politics into the third world, where, surprisingly, those ideas are foreign to their soil. In the next article, its to be shown how men who make up the bottom 80% of men are being forfeited in favor of harem societies, which are common in middle eastern nations, as the article which the source is drawn from clearly shows and how feminism is threatening global sovereignty and idea that to man, each nation as indicated in biblical scriptures drawn from the book of Romans. As it can be seen, American Imperialism has disastrous consequences on its own, when combined with feminism and intersectional theory it can have nuclear devastation wrought upon its enemies in an opposing hegemon.

Article 2 

In a society where the opposite is true, where internet pornography is prohibited and women are forced to wear veils to cover every inch of their skin, this presents another problem. Lower class men in Arab societies often have African-American admixture and this presents two problems which both of which the west is already accustomed to, one being 1) low income and 2) the presence of black admixture, which leads to impulsivity and generally high libido. This presents a problem, which, however small the amount of feminism is present in said society, is a global ideology, whether or not the middle East wants to accept that or not is a position of their own. With the fact that many low-income Arab men are at a loss for finding mates, the same hypergamous effects are seen with the given culture, that women are often married off to men of higher status and low status men are not given the opportunity to breed. Since Arab societies will blame the women (and rightfully so) for provocation of said perpetrators of sexual assaults, the general economic inequalities in said societies will still prevail unless the other hegemony brings a sense of true patriarchal values (this other hegemon being the United States, of course). However this is not the case since President Biden made the sovereign exception of “dehumanizing those who stand for traditional values'' and provided the doubling and troubling increase of transgenders and feminists among our population will seek to impose those values on the Arab world as time progresses forward. One may think these things will cancel one another out but mixing already hypergamous feminism AND gay rights into the population will make things worse as usual, to the point where morality is a matter of opinion among its lower status populace. In Iran, because of the Ayatollah, transgenderism is surprisingly quite common for men who want to “become the gender they really are '' and with middle east invasion bringing forth a sense of humiliatingly increasing hypergamy will just turn men into beasts and women into property. Judith Butler, for her transgressions against humanity should be so proud as to turn the global sphere into anarcho-primitivism but I digress. Women seem to lack the foresight to predict such measures, as intuitive as they claim to be. Islam, as one might seem to gather is not a good deal for men, considering women by and large do NOT care for men’s problems. This sense of perceived apathy is contrary to the notion that women are more empathetic, and the increase of liberal ideological power from the United States will further distort their already distorted society, according to western morality, of course. There is a reason for many years why until the 1960s women were not given quarter to discuss domestic violence with police, why society was better off, until 1920, before the right to vote. These all come into play when the Eastern world is confronted with Western morals. Neither of these power spheres are correct or incorrect. Its a matter of perspective. One thing can be noticed in Islam is there are few female apostates and generally women support multiculturalism as a way to destroy native cultures, no matter how much they maintain they are “attracted to the exotic”. Women naturally are only loyal to one in group, their own individual in-group and NO MORE! For instance black feminism vs. white feminism, this proves that no matter how intersectional an ideology is it will eventually in a Hegelian/Fichtean manner, “thesis/antithesis/synthesis” eventually cancel out each new element to negate both until nothing is left. The first cause is lost. Eventually, its nothing. Reduced to ideological rubble. This is why Hegel and Fichte’s philosophies are used to build up ideas, not tear them down, not cancel one another out until there is nothing left to conserve. The spirit of Kant looms large in international relations and the twin ideas of democratic peace theory and commercial peace theory will continue to reign unless feminism is stopped dead in its tracks. The only way to control this is to control human nature and like Hobbes said, humans tend to be self centered, self-serving individuals. However, as much as feminist IR theorists want you to believe, women are not the good natured, empathetic individuals that media talks up constantly in the west. And in this day and age when two societies with ideologies that oppress men in different ways collude on the battlefield, it accelerates the collapse of the global order. This cannot be stressed enough, as most people are quick to blame the United States alone for the world’s transgressions (this cannot be further from the truth, as Germany, as a central power, caveats to feminism as well. What needs to be known is that feminism is a WORLD DESTROYING ideology. If anyone wants to know the quickest way to further global imperialism, its through the “feminine order” of feminism and gay rights.


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