On The Order Of The Universe
In the grand scheme of things, there is one conscious Being, that is the creator of all living things on earth and the universe at large, in the sense of plants, animals, and humans. Descending from the creator, which has no beginning or end or middle, which exists beyond time and space, each monad, divides itself into a series of opposing forces, the most fundamental being negative and positive energy, which situates itself into ever increasing sizes which make up the objects of our given universe. There is an opposite for everything, light versus darkness, woman versus man, large versus small, earth versus water, etc etc. that make up the universe in which we partake. like Augustine said, evil is the absence of good, as water is the absence of land, woman is the negation of man, darkness is the negation of light, all of these justify the supporting position on the problem of evil. God cannot exist without Satan and vice versa. What we perceive of the universe, however, is illusory, objects are simply collections of energy that our mind(s), by sheer will, see as actually "existant" things, our body is an extension of our minds in that reacts to sensory knowledge, an "apple" is only an "apple" because our mind organizes the shape, color, and since its food, the taste and scent of it as an "apple". Outside of our own experience, however, its nothing more than energy, and nothing else, its only our mind causing the sensation of something existing because of the consciousness provided by the first mover, God, which is the first part of the trinity which produces the word (logos) and the spirit (consciousness), the latter of which exists in all living beings.
However, when speaking of the trinity, there are three persons, God is the creator, which Jesus is the word (logos) which speaks to the holy ghost, consciousness, as it will be, placed in every living creature, plant, animal or human, which in order to commute with the logos (Jesus, the word), every living thing must seek him out which eventually bridges the gap between mortal man, animal and plant, to God (the creator). Now there are different anamolies in the modern world we must look at that explain the existence of evil on earth, such as the existence of transgenders, who exist between different planes of Being, a sort of "sub-being" that exist between dual natures. There is also the existence of ghosts, which is explained by a conscious world that exists when none else exists to observe it, if the body (human, animal, plant) is not there, something must exist to keep the world-spirit alive, which is the observance of God, upon his creation. Thats why even in climates hostile to life (deserts, snow-tundras) still exist in some form if its two cold or hot for life to observe its existence, which is a convincing argument for God making sure its in the sense of Being and not "non-being" (with a lowercase b).
Now as far as transgenders go, they exist in a state of between beings, which essentially, even in asexual or transsexual animal life, is where limbo resides, where all lost souls go to dwell, this essentially is purgatory, and purgatory is the domain of lost souls, which explains why they never will "Be", and why often those in transistion, be it coral reefs or weird sea creatures, or human transgenders are viewed as something that affects the uncanny valley effects of such abominations like cyborgs with half human faces. These are examples of not evil, but rather things that should not be, but take up parts of our environment to help us realize that there is a large gulf between our existence (the nominal, binary existence) and the domain of things that exist in our subconscious where Satan tries to blend into the nominal world and produces fear and anxiety for those that exist in a perfectly ordered universe, as God intended.
The best way for all nominal creatures to avoid these anxieties is to make the leap towards logos as a pathway towards the creator and eventually avoid the pitfalls of ending up in purgatory or, if we fail to do so and engage willingly in this behavior, will end up in hell. Hell, as far as I feel, is a place where sensory inputs are turned off yet one is still conscious. And nothing can quite come close to describing the utter sense of helplessness after death, And no one, of good faith and fortune, truly wants that. But to experiment with changing idenity, as in the case of gender or going as far as self-mutilation, to offend the temple of the body in a way that destroys whats been created and making something that should not BE out of one's self quickens the pathway towards annihilation, Gehenna, where all lost souls, if they continue to press God's will, will be destroyed in the end days.
J./Adolf Stalin
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