Why I'm Essentialist (moreso than anyone, especially those on the Left)
Figured I'd resurrect this blog for random blurbs about political and social stuff. This is my argument in support of Essentialism:
(I used the Postal guy as an image please don't sue me, I am a fan of the game)
Someone on Quora said this
"This is something I’ve studied for debate.
Pro-Essentialism: We need categories.We need categorical thinking. Thats what definitions are.
The Civil Rights era reforms are build on essentialism.
Anti-Essentialism:Stereotypes are bad. Our categories need to be reflective of the diversity and reality (truth) within them."
the reason for me supporting essentialism apparently its due to my autism, according to an answer on there (I say this about myself not some jerk saying it for me). autistics are more likely to over-categorize things than non-autistics. that's why we're seen as asshole
"things must all fit into blocks"
the post-modern world looks at us as rude and backwards because of this pre-existing condition which causes our minds to never see in shades of gray
seeing in shades of gray is why tranny kids are running around and dancing for grown men
now I can see Hegel as being legit as he attempts to find middle ground through combining ideas and taking the best of both worlds. the problem with constructivists is they take the worst of both worlds. "everything is a social construct"
now I like Bataille and the way he mimics Hegel in the use of transgression, but I see it more as a tool to merge people with their inner selves than to promote the behavior in other people.
plus I really only see Bataille useful in the arts, not to be applied in real life. Postal 2 is a game, not something to imitate. though since if the slippery slope is real, might as well let it happen. but I refuse to take part in society's circus. I would rather observe how society is slipping, something Leftcomintern people like Bordiga would do. revolution can't happen with activism, nothing grassroots today is anything more than expensive, realistic looking astroturf. It will happen, but we have to reach the 9th circle before anything actually comes about it, man's last gasp.
In an anonymous dialectic with a friend (this is why incels are considered dangerous just like Nazbols):
He said: I actually think nationalism itself is pretty dumb, and I'm too misanthropic to embrace it honestly anyway. The thing is nazbol still appeals to in the sense that its sort of political manifestation of the Left Hand Path, its highly "Satanic" in the sense that Satan is the adversary. Nazbol is the adversary to global capitalism, the US imperial hegemony, and the standardized morality of liberalism. The transgressive thrill of being what this society considers "evil" is a dionysian delight that I cannot refuse. Nazbol in its mentality is strikingly similar to the 7 fold sinister way of the order of nine angles as well. Its probably for this reason that I am attracted to the incel community as well, considering its also vilified in a similar way by the current establishment.
I said: Camille Paglia refused to acknowledge Dionysus due to the polemicists of the sixties trivializing the concept and went with Cthonic. Issue is chaos, even by mother nature can be a masculine execution. It's brutal, anarchic, punishing. Don't take shit from others and all be damned in your way. Women are more inclined to toe the legal line and political line and I often associate recklessness with men more than women. Women aren't natural risk takers. But that's bioessentialism and most Marxists would hate entertaining that idea. Even Jason Unruhe hates entertaining the idea. Its one of his flaws. I bet he doesn't even read Kojeve The ultimate left Hegelian. (I know damn well he doesn't read Augustine, it doesn't matter if he's an atheist, even Hegel said its good to read people you disagree with to find hidden truths and if he's up to the task it would be best for him to read it. No offense, Jason. Marx might have disagreed at points with Hegel but you damn know well even Uncle Karl read that shit)
(my part edited for clarity)
- Justin/Adolf Stalin
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