On The Firearms Issue (How Far Do We Take Intersectionality?)

So why aren't autistics allowed firearm ownership but transgenders can? I asked this myself and parroted it to many other people, often getting "well that's just the way things are"

but there has to be more to it. I argued to my shrink that stats show the suicide rate of transgenders is abnormally high. though, a point must be made. plenty of those caught in (what some people would term as false flag) all had one thing in common: autism. was this some kind of joke? an elaborate pox on humanity? people will often argue, "well transgenders are more akin to getting attacked over their condition than autistic" boo hooey, I say. I'd wager its equal. though most autistics, being white and male, don't fit the archetype of the "oppressed individual". but it happens day in day out, and nobody does a thing about it? why? because "natural law, bruh" the same people that parrot this nonsense become humanists for a day and mourn the "victims" of the end result of endless bullying because their school got holocausted. that's no concern of mine. everything is all "natural law" unless it affects you. heh. the same people who think profiling blacks is wrong will profile the fuck out of those with mental issues but leads me to another point. at one time in history, gays were considered "mentally ill". now they are not. so were "trans", but that's changing. so where do we draw the line? who gets profiled and who does not. of course I am absolutist in this, either there's a strong line or no line at all. whose to say a black man should be arrested for committing a crime pre-emptively to prevent said crime is somehow a "travesty of justice" but the overton window moves and that's not an issue anymore, as well with gays and trans people. but schizos? no, we have to lock them up. autists? them too. bipolar? gulag the fuck out of them. what even constitutes mental illness if we keep moving that window? the problem is the society which governs us globally (not pertaining to national law) is ostentatiously liberal, and because most people who have mental issues are primarily white, nobody cares. that's why seeing this world turn to piss and shit and vinegar is fun as an observer. let things get bad. let society consume itself under the weight of intersection. its why I'm essentialist, like Plato, this world would've been better if they hadn't "Descarted" his ideas (I love philosophy puns) in the first place. when we're at the bottom of the barrel, that's when I reach for my revolver, the one I pick off in Hobbes' famous 'war of all against all (Mission Of Burma has maybe 2 good songs, I hate art punks for the most part. hipster trash, the same kind that gentrify neighborhoods and then hire Jewish landlords to rip off the tenants in rent, its a Structure, the same kind Althusser and Gramsci talked about that enables capitalist exploitation) but enough of that. Bordiga said "it will happen". stop being an activist and let the shit slide into the gutter until its the STALKER/Fallout universe personified. Global warming is real, and so is scarcity of resources. Nick Land believes in acceleration. but instead of techno dystopia, a different kind of nightmare, the return of Rousseau's noble savage.

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