Elite Theory, "Fisherism" And The Politics Of Defeat


    When we look upon the current state of so-called "dissident" politics, in the year of our Lord, 2022 A.D., there seems to be a general feeling of hopelessness attached to the current paradigm of movements on the left and the right alike. Imperium Press, for all intents and purposes has provided a road map of how the general views and policies of the upper echelons of the socio-political landscape operate by reprinting and distributing works by many to be considered the blueprint for aristocratic governance. However, there also seems to be a general feeling in the air that such dreams are only ideals, and there is no avoidance of the general "liberal-democratic" socio-political landscape, so hence, they have also began championing the writings of figures like Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto and other figures who represent a particularly liberal strain of thought that was considered the general "reaction" to the Fascist zeitgeist of pre-World War Two Italy, that being the school of sociological thought known as Italian Elite Theory.

Now you might be thinking, if they are positing this as the be all end all of where the general populace should focus their attention towards (and by that I mean many of the folks who are outside the liberal-democratic paradigm of socio-poliitical structure) this regurgitated theory that there is nothing one can do about the general process of how state and national political arrangements should be made, then it is clear that this theory is the right-reactionary response to charlatans such as Mark Fisher, who assumed that capitalism could not be overturned and one should attempt to be socialist/communist within the Debordian spectacle of capitalist society, Similarly, the Elite School tells people of a right-reactionary temperment to sit back and enjoy the destruction of society by a few elite members of the "liberal-democratic" contigency and not once, not even once, bring themselves to evoke change because in all seriousness, change can only happen from the "top to bottom" not "bottom to top". This kind of defeatist thinking is why so many from the Fisherites on the left and the Elite Theorists on the right are successfully psyop'd into thinking there is nothing that can be done and people should generally sit back and do nothing, because doing something is just as the same. 

So what should one do to destroy the liberal-capitalist-democratic paradigm of the system itself? I would wager, for all intents and purposes one should, by all rights, live ethical and metaphysically outside the system as a free agent. Do what you not only think is morally correct but build connections with other people who generally have the same predisposition as "you" to know that one does not need things such as the generalized system of crony capitalism which the elites use to exploit the masses (one should tend towards farmers markets for food, and should become as self-sufficient as possible whilst sharing one's skills with other people in the same boat, such as building houses, forming your own electrical grids, your own internet, your own transportation) if need be, exploiting the outside system to your own desires is in word, desirable. Taking from the system that exploits your own people and feeding it into creating your own autonomous community is morally legitimate since the ends of the project make sure that those that are on the same mindset, remembering that the goal of a said society is one that is "open individualist" meaning you as other people and vice versa. Do not despair that bourgeoisie society thinks of you as an animal, as you are very special and since the elite class will not let you have the life you dreamed of, taking from them is perfectly justified as it serves the end of helping your brethren, for lack of a better word, exist separately from the capitalistic-liberal-democratic society that has done nothing but atomize you, prevented you from courting a lady and starting a family, or not being poor. Any action against the society which wronged you is justified as long as it serves the greater good of your fellow outsiders. The answer to elite theory and Fisherism is not to act within the demands of society but outside of it, with no "fixed" position. If you or a portion of you or your brethren need to relocate, do so. Always stay one step ahead of bourgeoisie "society", as stated in my book "Neo-Radicalism", being anarchic and unpredictable to bourgeoisie society with the ultimate goal of personal "freedom" is attainable. just don't let people like James Burnham or Mark Fisher tell you otherwise.

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