Sermon Series (1 of 4) The Eschatology Of National Marcionism


Chapter I

    In the early days of the Church, Marcion was one of the biggest champions of 'Amillenialism', being that Christ's reign was spiritual and eternal, for all intents and purposes, "a thousand year' reign of the church, one of the reasons for this is that most of the early Church believed that Christ's reign was eternal and all encompassing, being that there was no "fixed" time for his presence, just during the reign of the Church on earth. Marcion of Sinope was also heavily against the Church of the Jews, founded in the Old Testament by the word of Moses which he opposed in favor of Christ's word. Marcion felt that Paul was God's only true apostle as he spread Christianity across from Israel to the Holy See. Paul once was known as Saul, killing Christians for lack of a better term 'pleasure', when an angel came to him and blinded him and asked "why do you persecute my people so" and re-christened him Paul and unblinded him on one condition, that he spread the word of God to the Gentiles, of course Marcion was impressed by this and knew he was the one to lead Christ's word to the unsaved. Since Marcion championed an 'amillenial' interpretation of the end times, he saw Christ's reign as eternal so much as long as the Church was intact. if the days of the Church were coming to an end, Christ would establish judgement upon the sinners and the demiurge would be destroyed as to give presence to the upper logos of God, the creator of Jesus, and create a holy land in heaven where no sin was present. Of course this conflicts with the post-millenial interpretation of the end times where the kingdom will be established on earth. the post-millenial interpretation, is that a thousand years is shorter than the Church's reign and then afterwards occurs the final judgement. is there any midpoint between these two conflicting beliefs considering Marcion viewed Earth as evil, can what once was evil be turned good, the rehabilitation of the earth is called into question. 

Chapter II 

When we talk about the rehabilitation of the earth, we speak of a washing of all of earth's sins, covetiousness, gluttony, envy, wrath, etc as some of the well know sins, which is quite prescident on earth as we speak, the envy of incels, the covetiousness of the negro man of the white woman, the wrath of the neoconservative for total war, the gluttony of the rich. all of this can disappear with God's grace. Since Marcionites believe that all material world is satan's doing, its no wonder

these are developing on the earth, and with the jewish meddling of international finance and the general social stability of the globe as a whole, its no wonder this would happen. a sort of predestination for all peoples on earth. While I don't think in the Calvinist mode that most infants are damned, invoking Schopenhauer and Cioran, given that even if the latter believed that "its better to live life suffering than to be killed at birth" I don't believe in something as vile as aborting children simply because they will be predestined to sin. This earth was predestined to sin, and its not the fault of a single person but the lower nature of God as Satan, the creator of the demiurge and the Lord of the Jews. Most jews ignored Moses because he was to be usurped in testament to Jesus, it took Jesus the task of really giving the jews the pain and torment they needed to get his message through, such as the chasing of the money lenders out of his father's temple. But they continue to persist in material speculation, disrupting the capital flow of money from the rich into the hands of the poor. We can see some excerpts from the New Testament that consumer spending is encouraged, to never hoard money to one's self and that we should all be participating in mutual aid. these are found mainly in the book of Matthew. 

Chapter III: 

One economist in particular was of similar though (see the economics chapter in my other book, The Future Agrarian State) that believed that if air was free, so should the land, as both were created by God, and if we respect the air and the land, this should put us in good graces. His name was Henry George. But enough about him, lets look at the bigger picture, the way to heaven starts by respecting god's creation, and then respecting one another, as we are Children of god. However none of that is seen today, and armageddon draws closer. Lots of rich people profiting off the backs of the poor. Look at landlords, they make their living by covetiousness, sloth and greed. I hate to use the term "Sex worker" for that is a post-modernist term but look at how they treat men, taking their money and never filing a tax return on their services, nevermind the fact they are selling their bodies and not staying virgins until marriage. Look at food dispensaries throwing out perfectly good food for the poor and not only that, people overeat while others starve, when there should be an equal distribution of food. adultery is rampant, coveting a neighbor's wife or a husband coveting another man's lady, its plainly disgusting. gayness and other forms of dysgenic sexual relations are very common. We must take these into consideration when applying them to the amillenial conception of God, it seems that the era of the Church has ended to be replaced with the God of science and logic which can be as oppressive as any theocracy, but as I say better the invisible hand of God than the oppression of modern medicine and arbitrary moral guidance. If the amillenial conception is true, then we must

move into the postmillenial conception of eschatology

Chapter IV: 

So when we turn into the postmillenial interpretation, we take Marcion's teachings about the material world being evil and turn it holy so a new holy land can be established after the era of the Church. how do we accomplish this? Attack all given targets, the mass media, the neocon war machine (which can be used in spite of its self) and wiping Judaic influence off the earth before Christ returns to take reign not in human form, but in spiritual form, giving new life to a material world full of sin and vice, as the era of the Church has been suspended in favor of a world of artifice and phoniness. Fake doctors, fake celebrities, fake news, fake heads of state, all of its its artifice, We need Jesus' return to set the world of a kingdom on earth, since the Church is eternal and Jesus watches over in spirit form and does not see what he likes, the Four horsemen will come down and give the earth a good fire baptism and bring heaven to earth. There will be no tribulation. Satan has already poisoned this earth by making it in the first place, we must turn it in God's kingdom so we can live eternally in his graces. No jewish influence, no money hoarding, no out of wedlock intercourse, and yet a community of mutual aid, economic prosperity, and a nationalism based on an invisible hand of God, an invisible dictatorship of Jesus. Everything will settle in place, because who are we to question God's judgement, Thy will be done. Amen. 


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