A Random Exposition On Replacing Women


    Upon an examination of Sigmund Freud's seminal text "Civilization And Its Discontents" produced at the end of Freud's life, it can summarized that most people (men and holes alike) in a given society are often anxious, depressed and neurotic due to the fact society places certain checks on behavior, through legal law such as "don't kill", "don't steal", "don't rape", "don't cheat on your spouse", because most people (again men and holes alike) are mostly ego-driven, self-interested individuals who have an innate desire to feel comfort and satisfaction through making their lives better (in any possible way) over the lives of other people, intrinsically. Since this book was written long before the sexual revolution, I wonder how much of this could be interpreted in a modern (or post-modern) conception. Since holes have more rights nowadays than they could ever dream of, it pays to mention that while men are expected to abide by certain laws, such as not approaching women unprovoked or not doing things such as urinating outside in the presence of children, to use a vulgar example, women on the contrary, are never expected to remain loyal to their spouses or say like in the case of Lorena Bobbit, hack their husband's penis off in a fit of rage, or say, abandon or kill their own children at their own discretion. Not only that but coupled with the fact that women not only have a stronger in-group bias towards themselves but also have an out-group bias towards foreign cultures, one could say that mere existence of women threatens national solidarity at the behest of self-interested emotional wants and needs. Because of this, working towards artificial wombs to replace women would ensure that nations stay intact, that everyone is direct and honest with one another and wars are quickly and not very painful. This would make society efficient in the long run and would get us farther technologically and economically. Unfortunately for now, we must deal with female "discontent" that breaks and strains nations and states and empires. So wouldn't it be better, for men, for us not to deal with the neurotic behavior of women altogether? Most men, at most, at least when they feel discontented, always make sure that any acts done against other human beings are quick, efficient and logical, whereas female psychology permits the induction of long-winded drama and unease and the emotional imbalance of their everyday existence. Which brings me to another point, that there is much relation between a foreign policy such as the Jacksonian ideology, which believes that soldiers should just do a simple job of eradicating the menace of the other, and the foreign policy of the Wilsonian ideology, which is based in a very noble, emotional platitude of bringing democracy to the enemy, the whole spiel "What about the children?" can be seen in the latter. Finally, Otto Weininger noticed a lot of similarities between jewish behavior and female behavior, such as proxy wars, making conflicts about themselves, and keeping lists of crimes against them, both the Jews and women alike do such things. I hope one can take from this is that moving beyond women is the only way to bring about economic, military, and cultural efficiency to any given empire, nation or state or locale. Replacing women with aritificial wombs, and we could be beyond space and time in just about another two hundred years, if less.

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