A Less Than Modest Proposal...
I have a proposal, if I'm the first philosopher to entertain ethical solipsism, let it be known, to the SJW that says "what's wrong with being replaced white boy, scared of the brown man cucking you?" "whats wrong white boy? scared of being around different people?" to them I say "whats wrong SJW? don't like me grooming sex slaves?" "whats wrong SJW, don't like rape?" "whats wrong SJW? don't want me eating people?" too bad, you brought this on your self, show to them how dastardly the rural underclass can be by being the ignoble savage. accelerate the collapse by transgressing them in return, so their utopian dreams fall to shit. war is progress, peace is stagnation, says Hegel. eternal war it shall be. the revolution shall be endless until it can be disposed of, to turn every cityscape into a farm, to lock out business owners or stock traders out of every business, to hand the keys after the revolution to the state leader, lest be scorched earth until then, and when it happens, a state, less dependent on technology, more on farming and factories, we can finally gather at the local watering hole and debate because every business owner is a moderator, the state shall take a neutral stance for everything, and base a nation on labor, rather than lobbying and special interest fucking up what should be the freeman's land, the anarch, lest be someone who offends you I say unto thee, too bad! if you can't handle other ideas being entertained outside your bubble, you are free to go to your homestead where you are never confronted with another "problematic idea". the nation shall be built on an economic principle, ordained by God, and nary a complaint shall be filed on "he/she hurt my feels" nobody cares!
J. Barg/A. Stalin
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