A likely response to a concern troll
IntolerantSocialist said: Ginger dudes are considered low tier. it sucks because most are Germanic-Irish. thanks women, for wiping out phenotypes. fucking cunts.
He (I'm suspicious of it being male) replied: this only matters to virgin and angry stormfrontcels
I was going to ignore this on his own ignorance but I felt, well, I'll take the bait: how? and why? because somehow some people are more equal than others? I doubt there will be any unity among the incel communities as long as racial tensions continue to persist. such is life. nothing certainly matters to most people if it doesn't benefit their in-group, the issue being that women naturally have stronger in-group preference than men does neither side justice. nor does it bring order. the fact my cousin was one of these types and a victim of opiates is mere anecdotal, nevertheless. male unity is nigh impossible considering that even virgin shaming occurs within these circles but also outside via the sjw-feminist ideological state apparatus. whats the point of pushing someone to suicide, besides while some may be suicidal, this alarming case of such things will persist as those fallen brothers will take arms up for their less competent brethren, resulting in more mass shootings. and yet, maybe all for the better. I don't see a problem with ethnic cleansing from either side. we have an overpopulation problem as it is, compounded by the state strong-arming poor men into supporting irresponsible female decisions. either or, a vastly feminine state is prone to famine as a strongly masculine state is prone to constant war. when one side overwhelms the other, the harsher reaction from either side is by each gender's natural inclinations. the sexual revolution and resultant feminism was a peaceful transition but not without its own problems, when the pendulum swings the other way it opens the door for brash displays of masculine aggression. though a balance is nigh inachievable, would rather err on the side of an orderly state governed by war rather than a weak state governed by famine. side note: I am no satanist, I just liked the aesthetics and message of the image macro. This was originally posted on looksmax.org
J.Barger/Adolf Stalin
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