For over a century, writers like Carl Schmidt believed that war was a constant thing, the personal was political. and it could be any sort of war, war could simply be internal conflict. As we see today in the post 9/11 world, the war has ended (for the most part) overseas. the conflict is within our own borders. left vs. right is not an issue insoasmuch as the conflicts within the wings of political thought, intersectionality has failed in the left just as the right outs its own for not measuring up to a standard, as they say "purity spiraling". Recently jew lives matter, I mean Black Lives Matter didn't want gays to march alongside them, they are devouring themselves, the right, once united under the guise of MAGA and Trump are now completely destroying themselves (or as they would call it "separating the wheat from the chaff") in an attempt to long knife those who do not fit a singular standard. some go to the opposite side (see youtuber Shoeonhead), because of how extreme it is while the left can't seem to unite in any sort of harmony in a race to the bottom. war is constant, and while it may not involve physical threats, verbal takedowns and divisiveness continue to plague both sides. Eternal Utopia is not possible from either end. the rich still get richer while the poor get poorer. war is big business and its a game of profit. Through communicative ends, demonitzation on both sides is common, as long as the rich continue to reap profits from infighting. this is constant. oddly enough Leon Trotsky's idea of constant revolution wasn't far removed from idea that National Socialists such Carl Schmidt believe that war, conflict or otherwise, is a part of life. we are born, we struggle, we die. both were on opposing ends during the second World War and it seems to be that within the United States itself, this conflict cannot cease unless both sides unite to pacify who's really behind the infighting. in Donbass, Zionist forces continue to reap profits from both ends and it starts up as soon as it stop and then starts again. same goes in the middle East, former Yugoslavia, during Bill Clinton's regime and so on. But now its on our own turf between families, between friends, friends who were once enemies, and enemies who were once friends. But when does it cease? Conflict is eternal to humanity as the Spider/Fly tale (thanks Morticia Addams, always loved that series). If we do find peace eventually and the real enemies are driven out, Who knows what is around the corner? We all might be deceased by then and find a new way to argue. Cavemen probably argued over fishing vs. hunting, what got the most food for their families. In conclusion we must "make peace with conflict", for its eternal to the human struggle.

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